Take your work as a Bowen Therapist to a new level with a deeper understanding of human anatomy. Anatomy Hands On will teach you how to differentiate between muscles, tendons and ligaments and other body structures through observation and palpation.
This workshop explores:
- A deeper understanding of human anatomy when differentiating between muscles, tendons and ligaments and other body structures through observation and palpation
- A deeper understanding of the mechanics of the human body as a working unit to improve assessment of musculoskeletal dysfunction
- How the different body systems are interrelated
- How intercommunication is essential for the body to function as a multidimensional unit
- You will visit The University of Queensland’s School of Biomedical Sciences
- You will view anatomical specimens under experienced supervision
Learn more here. Anatomy Hands On is a half-day workshop at The University of Queensland.
Presented By: Kristin North
Pre-requisite: Students/Practitioners must have started or completed the Anatomy and Physiology component of Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy 10846NAT/11273NAT (or equivalent)
Duration: 1 half-day
Continuing Education Units: 5 hours (Category 2) with Bowen Association Australia & Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)