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Animal Bowen Care Programme

Animal Bowen Care is a gentle, non-invasive body therapy that works via the animal’s autonomic nervous system helping the body to begin to self-regulate. This is true for both humans and animals. Comprised of five modules, this animal course takes you through the canine Bowen treatment journey.

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When an animal, as with humans, has an injury, illness or some sort of trauma, the body begins to develop compensatory patterns of use to avoid further discomfort or pain.  If left unchecked these patterns of use slowly but surely begin to interfere with the well-being and function of the body.  This is where the effective, gentle, body therapy that is Animal Bowen Care comes into its own.  It helps the healing process without further aggravation or injury. Our pet dogs respond beautifully to Animal BowenCare.  It works in the same way as Bowen therapy does with humans.  Very gently, moves are made over muscle and connective tissue at precise points in the body allowing the body to calm the autonomic nervous system and therefore, to allow the body to move into a state of rest and restore.

This workshop explores:
Animal Bowen Care consists of 5 modules which are 2 days each.
  • Module 1: Learn the Animal BowenCare ‘move’, complete all the procedures listed and undertake a simple Animal BowenCare treatment plan.
  • Module 2: Learn new procedures and understand in which context they will be used and complete an Animal BowenCare session using these procedures
  • Module 3: Learn new procedures and understand in which context they will be used and complete an Animal BowenCare session using these procedures
  • Module 4: Learn new procedures and understand in which context they will be used and complete an Animal BowenCare session using these procedures
  • Module 5: undertake a practical assessment of all the Animal BowenCare skills and procedures learned in the previous modules
Presented By: Katrina Ridley and Vianne MacBeth
Pre-requisite: Bowenwork – An Introduction to Wellness in Your Hands
2 days (16 hours) per Module
More information is available on Katrina and Vianne’s website at
This program is eligible for Category 1 CEUs with Bowen Association Australia and 1 point per hour with Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). Please note that it is not Bowtech-accredited.
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