Bowen Body Decoding

Bowen Body Decoding is a 4-day workshop series focusing on an individualised approach to assessing patients. It is essential for any Bowen Therapist to understand the importance of detailed anamnesis, good observation, and precise assessment in order to achieve quick, solid, and lasting results. Through observation and physiotherapy assessments, practitioners will be able to easily target the area(s) of concern and achieve higher success rates.

Bowen Body Decoding will aid Bowen Therapists in extending their knowledge to achieve a better understanding of how the Bowen technique works and the changes it brings to the body.

This workshop explores:

Part A: Lower Body
Part B: Upper Body

  • What happens under the skin?
    • How each part of the Bowen move affects the body
    • What is the scientific basis behind the Bowen move?
  • How tissues respond to different types of pressure
    • Different proprioceptors in the body and their function
    • How different speeds, pressure and depth of Bowen moves lead to a different body response
    • How to “order the outcome” through a better understanding of body language
  • Anamnesis
  • Observation
  • Physiotherapy assessment tests before treatment
    • An algorithm to approach musculoskeletal disorders and asymmetry
    • Different physio assessments will be demonstrated for therapists to gather useful data for the area or/and the muscle/s responsible for the problem. A selective, targeted approach is promoted for Bowenwork.
  • Trust the reason, not the symptom
  • Reassessment during and after treatment
  • Biorhythms and Bowen
    • Another Bowen perspective to approach non-resolving cases. A good way to achieve success for cases where we’ve reached a “dead-end.”


This was an extremely useful session. The explanation and practice of functional assessments were very useful. Also, I have a better understanding about what happens during slack, challenge and move stages. The meridian chart associated with symptoms and treatment plan is a brilliant thing to have. 
Niranga Abeyakoon

We studied this course after Module 7. There were so many points that made everyone go,”aha!” By lunchtime of the first day we were discussing how Georgi’s presentation made so much sense; it tied everything from Modules 1-7 together and gave a solid diagnostic framework from which to approach each new client. I would recommend this to every Module 7 and Bowen practitioner but every level will benefit. Enjoy the course!
Sarah Owen

Bowen Body Decoding is a 4-day workshop series. Part A is 2 days – Lower Body and Part B is 2 days – Upper Body.

Presented by:
Georgi Ilchev (Bulgaria)
Pre-requisite: Module 10
Duration: 4 days (Part A: 2 days, Part B: 2 days)
Continuing Education Units: Up to 32 hours ( Category 1) – 16 hours for Part A, 16 hours for Part B with Bowen Association Australia & Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)