Bowtech-trained practitioners can complete the following workshops to revise their skills. These are not part of the nationally recognised training but are Bowtech accredited and eligible for CEU points with Bowen Association Australia. Qualified Bowen Therapists can also receive CEU points with ATMS (1 point per hour.)

Practitioner Days A & B

Enhance your understanding and performance of the Certificate IV Bowen material. Maintain your Bowenwork skills and fine-tune all procedures. All practitioners are welcome to attend Practitioner Days A & B!…

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Practitioner Days C & D

Enhance your understanding and application of all Diploma Bowen material, including regional assessment and special tests, underlying anatomical and fascial links, and basic rehabilitation for your clients. Practitioner Days C…

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Special Revision

Revise and review Bowen procedures based on a theme or special area of interest with our Special Revision days. These days include discussion around pathologies related to a particular theme,…

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SP2 Master Class

If you are looking for better clinical outcomes and a more professional approach to your Bowen, then SP2 Master Class is for you! The Module 1 procedures balance the body,…

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Module Review

Module Review is an opportunity to revisit your basic skills while meeting your CE requirements. Practitioners may attend, as a review, any day/s of Modules 4 – 6 of the…

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